Train-Right - Advanced CICS Programming Concepts. 00010000 Dataset notes. 00020000 00030000 Members: 00040000 00050000 TRCOMM - Copybook Commarea for program TRPGM00 and TRYESNO. 00060000 TRRECORD - Copybook Record layout for TRVSAM and TRLOCK files. 00070000 TBLREC - Copybook layout for TRTABLE constant data table program. 00080000 00090000 TRPGMSKL - Non-Conversational skeleton program. 00100000 TRPGMSWC - Web-aware program skeleton using the COMMAREA. 00110000 TRPGMSWS - Web-aware program skeleton using WEB commands. 00120000 TRPGMSWF - Web-aware program skeleton using HTML Forms. 00130000 00140000 TRPGM00W - Special version from Basic CICS Command Level COBOL. 00150004 Allows any team id to be entered. 00160000 00180000 TRPGM71 - Non-Conversational version of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 00190000 00200000 TRPGM71W - Web Interface version of TRPGM71. 00210000 Can be executed as 3270 application or on Web Browser 00220000 by checking eibtrnid for 'CWBA' 00230000 User choice provided by a querystring on URL. 00240000 00250000 TRPGM72 - Conversational version of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 00260000 00270000 TRPGM73 - Psuedo-Conversational version of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 00280000 00290000 TRPGM74 - Psuedo-Conversational Map version of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 00300000 Can also be run as 3270 Web Bridge program. 00310000 TRMAP74 - BMS map for above. 00320000 TRMAP74A - Unmodified Web Document Template of above. 00330000 TRMAP74B - Modified Web Document Template of above. 00340000 00350000 TRPGM75N - Workshop program. Main Non-Conversational VSAM display. 00360000 TRPGM75L - Workshop program. Main or LINK. 00370000 TRPGM75X - Workshop program. Main or LINK or XCTL. 00380000 TRPGM75B - Workshop program. Main or LINK or XCTL. BMS ACCUM. 00390000 TRPGM75D - Workshop program. Main or LINK or XCTL or DPL. BMS ACCUM. 00400000 00410000 TRPGM76L - Workshop program. LINK to TRPGM75. 00420000 TRPGM76X - Workshop program. LINK or XCTL to TRPGM75. 00430000 TRPGM76B - Workshop program. LINK or XCTL to TRPGM75. BMS ACCUM. 00440000 TRPGM76D - Workshop program. LINK or XCTL or DPL to TRPGM75. BMS ACCUM. 00450000 00460000 TRPGM81 - Simple Web Interface program. 00470000 Displays HTTP Request Header from COMMAREA. 00480000 Generates HTTP Result Header and HTML in the COMMAREA. 00490000 00500000 TRPGM82 - Web Interface program using Web commands. 00510000 Displays HTTP Request Header data from various commands. 00520000 Generates HTTP Result Header and HTML with DOCUMENT INSERT. 00530000 00540000 TRPGM83 - Web Interface version of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 00550000 Uses HTML Form and can route HTTP request to TRPGM81 & 82. 00560000 TRHTML83 - HTML Form for above. 00570000 TRPGM83D - Uses several DOCUMENT commands to build HTML. 00580000 Uses HTML Form and can route HTTP request to TRPGM81 & 82. 00590000 00600000 TRHTML81 - HTML for beginning of document. 00610000 TRHTML82 - HTML Form only. 00620000 TRHTML84 - HTML for end of document. 00630000 00640000 TRPGM84 - Displays a JPEG DOCUMENT image. 00650000 TRLOGO Binary Document Template. 00651001 Note: JPEG image must be FTP'd then copied to loadlib. 00652001 00660000 TRPGM85 - Workshop program. Simple Web Interface for VSAM. 00670000 TRHTML80 - HTML for beginning of document in COBOL format. 00680000 TRHTML85 - HTML document for TRTABLE in COBOL format. 00690000 TRHTML86 - HTML document for above in COBOL format. 00700000 00710000 TRPGM86 - Workshop program. Uses query string for VSAM. 00720000 00730000 TRPGM87 - Workshop program. Uses TRPDOC00. 00740000 00750000 TRPDOC00 - Document exit program. HTML form for for VSAM. 00760000 TRHTML87 - HTML form for VSAM. 00770000 00780000 TRHTML89 - HTML table for VSAM in COBOL format. 00790000 00800000 TRPGM88 - Document utility program. In work. 00810000 TRPGM89 - Utility program. In work. 00820000 00830000 TRPGM93 - Asynchronous program. 00840000 00850000 TRPGM94 - Distributed Transaction program. Front-end. 00860000 TRPGM95 - Distributed Transaction program. back-end. 00870000 00880000